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NCLA Library

“No profession is so dependent on the book for its life”
                                                         -A. Rosemary McCormick, Chief Librarian of the LSUC, 1978

The NCLA Library is a private library for the use of its members, and lawyers of the Law Society of  Ontario, in good standing, only. We are dedicated to assisting library patrons with their information needs by facilitating access to the onsite holdings of print resources, electronic documents and databases, and by providing assistance when needed. 

The library itself has reference computers available for members usage, a fax machine, photocopier, and other equipment is available, such as the equipment for viewing continuing legal education replays.

With a growing print collection and access to technology, NCLA strives to meet the needs of all lawyers. We are ever evolving with the introduction of new databases, software, and titles to the collection. 


The Library respects the privacy of individuals and will safeguard their personal information and research requests. Library staff will not discuss reading tastes, or items borrowed by library patrons with third parties, as per the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.56. 



Books may be signed out for 3 weeks at a time, and may be renewed twice in total. At the end of this period they must be returned to the library, or replaced. Overdue books will be subject to fines and/or reduced Library and NCLA Member privileges. 


Items marked with a “Library Use Only” sticker are non-circulating and cannot be removed from the library. Special arrangements may be made with the Librarian for the removal of non-circulating items, on a case-by-case basis.


Interlibrary Loan

Members are encouraged to contact the library if needed materials are not available in the on-site library collection; the librarian may be able to acquire items through interlibrary loan. The NCLA Library has borrowing privileges with most Ontario courthouse libraries, as well as the Law Society of Ontario’s Great Library.

Research Services

The Librarian is available during regular hours (8:30 am to 3:00 pm, Monday to Friday) to answer reference questions, advise on research, and provide assistance in locating and using library resources. For assistance, members may contact the library in person, or via phone, email, or fax.


The Librarian is available to provide answers to questions requiring a direct answer, such as requests for cases, legislation, or assistance in locating relevant legal resources. While able to advise on a research strategy and assist in locating research materials, the Librarian does not provide legal advice, and does not have the time or legal training involved to ensure that answers to complex legal research questions are correct.

Electronic Resources


The NCLA Library has four reference computers available to members. Computers are available on a first-come, first-served basis. To ensure equitable access to the Internet and efficient use of resources, the Library has developed service use guidelines, which are available to members. There is online access to many references and the Internet is available on the four computers as well as on your laptop or mobile device through the wireless connection. Please ask the librarian for the WIFI password.

The computers in the library are equipped with access to a variety legal resources such as: Lexis Advance, LexisNexis Practical Guidance, LexisNexis Context, Pleadings, Motions and Facta database, vLex, Irwin Law eBooks, WestlawNext Canada (including modules for Family, Criminal Real Estate and Wills and Estates), O'Brien's forms, HeinOnline, Law360, and Rangefindr. 


There is a photocopier/fax machine available to members in the library. The cost is $0.30/per copy, and members are invoiced quarterly for copy charges. New members are issued photocopy codes when they join. Any violation of copyright is the responsibility of the copy machine user. Visitors may use the photocopier at the rate of $0.30/per copy, and may be invoiced and can pay via cash, cheque, or eTransfer. Currently the library is not equipped to accept payments via credit card.

The following persons shall have the privileges of the library at all times during regular hours:

(a)  NCLA Members in good standing in the Association
(b)  Members of the Law Society of Ontario practicing outside the County of Northumberland
(c)  All Justices of the Ontario Court of Justice and Superior Court of Justice
(d)  Articling Students

 Provided that the Board of Directors may revoke any privilege as granted above for cause.

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